Join the Omaha Metro Area Humanist Association and help us promote Humanism by amplifying our collective voice and making a real impact in our community. Your membership not only supports our mission but also connects you with a network of like-minded individuals who share your values of reason, compassion, and secularism.
Why Become a Member?
As a dues-paying member of OMAHA, you directly contribute to the growth and strength of our organization. Your annual dues help fund essential activities, such as maintaining our website, printing promotional materials like flyers and banners, and covering tabling fees at community events across the metro area. These resources are vital for raising public awareness about Humanism, expanding our membership, and effectively advocating for secular values and equal rights for non-theists in our community.
Benefits of Membership:
- Full Members: Participate in all online forums, attend all meetings and events, vote in elections, and can run for club officer positions or serve on the OMAHA Board of Directors.
- Supporting Members: For those who wish to support our mission but may not have time to volunteer or serve as a club officer, a “Supporting” membership is a meaningful way to contribute. Supporting members receive a personal note of thanks from our President and special recognition at our annual December meeting.
How Your Membership Makes a Difference:
By becoming a member, you help us keep the conversation about Humanism alive and thriving in Omaha. Your support enables us to host educational events, advocate for secular policies, and provide a community where non-theists can connect and engage. Every member adds to our collective strength and ability to make positive changes in our society.
Join OMAHA Today – It’s Easy!
Choose the membership option that’s right for you and join our growing community:
- Mail a Check: Send $20 for an individual membership, $40 for a family membership, or $100 for a supporting membership to:
Omaha Metro Area Humanist Association
PO Box 540131, Omaha, NE 68154 - Pay In-Person: Pay by check or cash to our Treasurer at any regular meeting.
- Pay Online: Use your credit card or PayPal to join quickly and securely. Select your preferred membership option below and click the “Pay Now” button.
Your membership matters. Join us today and be a part of something bigger—help us build a stronger, more vibrant Humanist community in Omaha!